Sunday, January 13, 2008

Book Clubs are Adorable

Awwww. The Nashville, Tennessee-based Millenium Book Club's next book is "The Time Traveler's Wife". You can check out the gal's blog here.

Looks like Kathy Wilkinson got stuck bringing the snacks. I guess she didn't successfully avoid eye contact with that week's book club leader when they were delegating this dreaded task. I wonder if Kathy is going to make homemade stuff or hit the grocery store for some pre-made goodies. I know I am more the pre-made type of girl but I would go fancy so I wouldn't get totally talked about by the rest of the club.

And, five weeks from now let's all bow our heads in silence for the soon-to-be-departing-book club member Shona. She will be missed.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Excite-O-Meter puts TTW at a "3" on their Excite-O-Meter here.

What would warrant a 5?

They also have another pic from the movie.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Movie Stills Are Here!!

Looking real good

I'm glad that we don't have to look at his mullet the whole movie.